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Getting started

VividTracker aims to be compatible with Protracker v2.3D and therefore has about the same features. In Protracker, a song can have up to 64 different patterns, which are played in a specific order. The length of the song can be up to 128 patterns. Each pattern has 64 rows (or steps), with position 00 to 63, and 4 different tracks (VividTracker supports up to 8 tracks), where each track can play one 8-bit sample at a time together with some effects.

A track is arranged in different columns. The first column corresponds to the note, which can be from C-1 to B#3. The second column corresponds to the sample (or instrument) and consists of two numbers. The third column is the effect command and the fourth column is the effect value. In the example above, you can see on TRACK #1 the following first row (position 00):

00|C-301 000

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getting_started.1671388562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/18 19:36 by lars