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Welcome/Blog/1 December 2024 - VividTracker v2.12 is submitted to App Store

1 December 2024 - VividTracker v2.12 is submitted to App Store

Well, finally a new version of VividTracker, with a great new feature too.

The new feature allows you to select a scale on the keyboard, for instance “Melodic minor”. Go to screen 5B and select the SCALE button. You can then select from 30 different scales.

In this example, the scale “Melodic minor” is selected. You can tell that you are in “scales mode” by looking at the SCALE button, which is now pressed. The default key for the scale is C, but you can change it by pressing the blue button to the right. You will then get to select which new you want the scale in.

Staying in key for a specific scale makes it easy to write songs where the notes work well together. Take for instance the Lydian scale, which was used by R.E.M. when they made the song “Man on the Moon”, or the Aeolian scale, which was used by Phil Collins in the song “In the Air Tonight”. Both scales are available in VividTracker.

If you want to go back to normal mode, you can just select Chromatic scale again which will give you all the notes on the keyboard.

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1dec2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/01 22:59 by lars